Geesje Kwak – 08-10-21

surrealist girl graphite pencil drawing

After my last graphite pencil drawing of Geesje Kwak -04-09-21 I felt one was missing in the series. I found a perfect mix of roundism and classic 17th lighting in the best Caravaggio and Rembrandt tradition.

Geesje Kwak – 04-09-21

cubist girl graphite pencil drawing

My previous graphite pencil drawing ‘Geesje Kwak – 25-08-21’ was executed in my hatched strokes style and I kinda like it. Sometimes you just feel like doing this or that but in this particular case I understand better why.

Geesje Kwak – 29-08-21

Breitner took a couple of pictures of her in some backyard, perhaps his own. Who knows? For some reason I was inclined to use the principles of singularity as laid down in a drawing like Roundism (Singularity) – 01-06-17.

Geesje Kwak – 25-08-21

impressionist girl graphite pencil drawing promotion

Following my last drawing of her this one of Geesje kwak was next in line. I must confess I get the hang of it or should I admit to an obsession? Well, maybe not that hefty but her appearance keeps intriguing me

Geesje Kwak – 13-08-21

cubist portrait graphite pencil drawing

After I drew the portrait of Geesje Kwak last month I discovered another picture taken by Breitner. It is slightly different and shows a bigger part of her body rather than her face only.

Geesje Kwak – 12-07-21

cubist portrait art graf drawing

A day ago I experimented with Art Graf. I was quite surprized and therefor I thought it would be nice to do a portrait of Geesje Kwak.

Geesje Kwak – 13-05-21

cubist portrait graphite pencil drawing sale promotion

Sometimes a model just can’t let go. After my last drawing Geesje Kwak still lingered in my mind. I also happened to find more pictures of her, taken by Breitner.

Geesje Kwak – 10-05-21

cubistic portrait graphite pencil drawing promotion

There is this girl that I know for a long time: Geesje Kwak. Throughout the decades I visited many museums. Once in a while I also come across Breitner’s famous oil paintings in the ‘Girl in Kimono series’.