Waalsdorpervlakte – 04-05-21 (sold)
Last Saturday I came across the outer edge of the Waalsdorpervlakte. By chance I was walking down a small footpath next to the International Criminal Court at The Hague, Nethelands. Suddenly there it was, the motif I was anxiously searching for that day.
Meyendel – 20-12-15 (sold)
I made a first draft in black and white Conté Carrés but it didn’t work. It stood in my studio for over a year pissing me off. Finallly I knew what to do and was ready to divide space through colourful planes.
Meyendel – 27-02-15
A more cubistic pastel drawing of Meyendel, following the previous ones. I like this ones better because I dared to put the cubes through the branches so the drawing becomes fragmented.
Meyendel – 26-02-15
Meyendel is a park to the north of The Hague, near Wassenaar, part dunes, part forest where I like to come often. It is marked by all kinds of trees and especially the pines I love to draw / paint.
Meyendel – 21-02-15 (sold)
I was attracted to the light shing through the needles of the pine, almost making them transparant and blueish rather than showing sharp contours.
Meyendel – 16-02-15 (sold)
A more cubistic pastel drawing of Meyendel, following the previous ones. I like this ones better because I dared to put the cubes through the branches so the drawing becomes fragmented.
Meyendel – 10-02-15 (sold)
Another pastel drawing I made at Meyendel in the dunes just outside The Hague. Being the first drawing after my graphite pencil drawing ‘Meyendel 2 – 12-06-14’ I wanted something different.