Time for roundism in color again. The last one executed in color was Roundism – 20-11-16 and I was curious if I could emulate it. I found it a bit heavy on the yellow and orange side. This time I added some more greens and blues in order to avoid too much carnival.
Color I always find difficult because choosing a color scheme is so relative. It is up to the artist and as such, color does not mean anything. All three dimensions length, width and depth are formed by proportions and tonality. Color is an add-on but how to mould and forge it into this drawing? In this one and in deviation of the aforementioned predecessor I used saturated and unsatured colors in order to discover what effect it might bring me.
In the past I experimented combining realism with strong expressive colors and with varying degrees of success. I found them not combining in the way I liked them best and concluded stronger colors match a heavier degree of abstraction better. Maybe that is just my perception but that is the only certainty I have as an artist. Anyone else’s perception is not in my head.
Click here to read about the sale of a printable to a Slovenian collector.
Click here to read about the sale of 2 prints of this art work through icanvas.com.
Pencil drawing (Derwent Coloursoft pencils) on Canson Bristol paper (21 x 29.7 x 0.1 cm) – A4 format)
Artist: Corné Akkers