Sans Titre – 27-07-23 (Audrey Hepburn)

This grapite pencil drawing ‘Sans Titre – 27-07-023’ is a return to stardom once more.
Louise Brooks – 21-07-23

This graphite pencil drawing ‘Louise Brooks – 21-07-23 is definite proof of a true and livelong obsession. She’s not in harm’s way though.
Louise Brooks – 12-07-23

This graphite pencil drawing ‘Louise Brooks – 12-07-23’ is something different. That is, compared to the previous one.
Louise Brooks – 07-07-23

This graphite pencil drawing ‘Louise Brooks – 07-07-23’ is another homage to the famous flapper girl, celebrity and moviestar. To whom it may concerns: to me she remains an unexhaustable source of inspiration.
Roundism (Tribute to Anita Ekberg) – 22-06-23

This graphite pencil drawing ‘Roundism (Tribute to Anita Ekberg) – 22-06-23’ is not my first homage to her.
Neo Deco -01-06-23

This graphite pencil drawing ‘Neo Deco – 01-06-23’ serves as a caesura after my long series of landscapes and cityscapes.
Neo Deco – 26-01-23

This graphite pencil drawing ‘Neo Deco – 26-01-23’ counterparts my previous one ‘Roundism – 20-01-23’. The reference picture is from the same model session I held in my studio but from a different angle.
Louise Brooks – 06-12-22

This graphite pencil drawing ‘Louise Brooks – 06-12-22’ is the latest in the eponymous series.
Woman in a Red Kimono – 10-11-22

This colored pencil drawing ‘Woman in a Red Kimono – 10-11-22’ answers the most frequently asked question of late.
Model Session – 06-10-22

This graphite pencil drawing ‘Model Session – 06-10-22’ stems from an earlier session. However, I had a model session with my favorite model on the 6th of October 2022.