Marlot – 24-09-20
And now for something completely different: cows in Marlot. I wanted to change the subject for once and do a drawing similar to the horses in my drawing Laren 30-04-20.
Marlot – 11-04-20
This graphite pencil drawing ‘Marlot – 11-04-20’ marks the beginning of Spring. Trees unfolding their leaves and water reflections in an impressionist style.
Marlot – 18-02-16
This graphite pencil drawing ‘Marlot – 18-02-16’ is a surrealist one. I started out doing this one impressionistically then I saw the potential for something else
Marlot – 31-07-13 – 2
Just a quick sketch on my bike of a treeline in Marlot, next to The Hague Forest.
Marlot – 31-07-13 – 1
A quick sketch on my bike of Marlot, near The Hague Forest. I like doing these max. 10 minutes sketches and then go further.