Grassy Knoll 1 (2007)
The original oil painting on which I based a much larger version. I was fantasizing what would have happened in the days before the assassination of president John F. Kennedy at the very spot (Dealy Plaza).
Grassy knoll 2 (2007) (sold)
A commissionary piece for someone you wanted a bigger version of the one I already painted.
Strelizia (2007)
In my ever struggle with still lifes I wanted to do a styled flower like a Strelizia and put it in a granate shell my grandfather retrieved from a German Flak position at Nijmegen during W.W. II and light it with a maclite mini torch from within the shell.
Sub rosa (2007) (sold)
Twice it came back to me because of the partner of the purchaser didn’t agree with the vibrator. The third time was a charm.