Melina Noëlle – 17-09-22
And then the day for a planned live model session finally arrived: drawing Melina Noëlle. She is the daughter of Guinnie who is, together with her sister Gaby, responsible for the catering in Brugman art.
Nude sitting on table (prestudy) (2011)
An instructional sketch I did for my students. I often make these drawings during class in order to teach them the principles of good proportional measurements. It even got to a pastel version.
Model study (2011)
An instructional sketch I did for my students. I often make these drawings during class in order to teach them the principles of good proportional measurements.
Standing girl (1988)
A quick sketch I made of a girl I knew.
Model (1988)
Just a quick sketch.
Studies 10 (1988)
My sketchbook with nudes and portraits of women. My last year of studies before my law study.
Studies 09 (1988)
My sketchbook with nudes and portraits of women. My last year of studies before my law study.
Studies 08 (1988)
My sketchbook with nudes and portraits of women. My last year of studies before my law study.
Studies 07 (1988)
My sketchbook with nudes and portraits of women. My last year of studies before my law study.
Studies 06 (1988)
My sketchbook with nudes and portraits of women. My last year of studies before my law study.