thumbnail portrait of Corne Akkers

8th March 2016

A display of some pastels and drawings in the Museum of Contemporary Art, Artplu at China:

Corné Akkers,出生于1969年,来自荷兰的著名艺术家。他从小就开始画画,展现了非凡的天赋。他以抽象艺术画和人物及风景油画闻名。国外的众多艺术馆均有收藏他的作品。2012年,他在中国上海参加了Flowerport at Shanghai,并第一次将自己的作品展现在中国观众面前并大受欢迎。

The following are shown here:

1) Estate ‘Reigersbergen’ (2014)

2) Nude 02 (2012) (sold)

3) Nude – 01-01-16

4) Nude – 08-01-16

5) Nude -22-01-16 (sold)

Click on one of the pictures below to go to the Artplu page of that art work.