This graphite pencil drawing ‘Friends – 29-07-20 (Sold)’ is something different from my regular themes. My last one was ‘The Venus of The Hague – 23-07-20’. A surrealist work and now back to realism all of a sudden. It’s one of those unexpected yet charming aspects of an artist’s life. You’ll never know what you going to get. Such will keep me on my tows artistically.
Not often is it that I depict animals with children but this one is a beautiful exception. Normally I have no reason to depict little ones and I surely am not an artist of pets. Then, all of a sudden I received a commission to draw a grandchild of a former student of mine. Unfortunately he passed away some time ago. Consequently it is a kind of tribute to him. His name was Tony and I will always remember him as a gentle and kind person. He was eager to acquire new skills, whether in oil, pastel or graphite pencil. In his grandchild he will live on.
The commissioneer didn’t want to put the stress too much on the dog in the front. Luckily I saw the opportunity to blend them back into the backgrond tonally, especially the dog in the front. The lighter dog in the middle thus serves as a pointer to the child. This way I created a kind of light / dark curve of attention towards the boy. Hence, he is drawn in full detail. Next to this I added quite an abstract ball at the right side as a symbol for playful youth.
Click here to read my blog about this art work on Blogger.
Graphite pencil drawing (Pentel 0.5 mm, 3B & Conté graphite pencil 4B) on Canson Bristol paper (29.7 x 42 x 0.1 cm – A3 format)
Artist: Corné Akkers