Part of the bigger roundism series and reason why I got blocked by Facebook. It had serious issues with nude at that time. Since then its policy on nudity has changed after a couples of scandals that made the press. It is strange though that this one got blocked since my last drawing ‘Bettie Page – 22-07-16’ shows full frontal nudity. Surely this one one does not; not a single nipple or worse! By the time I reedited this art statement 5 years later, the rigid censure finally has softened a bit.
There is this problem that occurs once in a while. I wrote about it before in my art statement to my graphite pencil drawing ‘Nude 11-08-15’. When you have a beautiful motif such as this one, an artist sometimes copes with too much negative space. In this particular case the model inclusive streched arm and hand could be fit in a perfect square. Cut off a triangle and there you have a nude occupying approximately 40% of the paper sheet. That is very little for a dominant object without much contextual environment around it.
Consequently I had to introduce visual elements that would communicate with the main motif. I came up with an idea to create circular patterns stemming from the shoulder blades. Similarly did I make some stemming from the fingers and let them run off paper. To improve the overall composition I made a big circular swing. It runs from her left side, downwards and up again from her wrist up. It serves as a reversed counterweight to the abovedescribed circular patters. The result is a suggested movement even though the nude sits perfectly still.
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Click here for read about this drawing being featured in a Saatchi Special .
Click here to read about an unauthorized copy someone made of this drawing.
Graphite pencil drawing (Pentel 0.5 mm, 3B) on Canson Bristol paper (21 x 29.7 x 0.1 cm) – A4 format)
Artist: Corné Akkers