This graphite pencil drawing ‘Sans Titre – 18-06-16’ is the next one of a moviestar legend. It depicts Simone Simon, a French actress from the 1950s. Gladly I induct her into the hall of fame of celebrity actresses of old, called the ‘Sans Titre Series’. To be more specific, it’s my personal gallery of beautiful women who I think have class, style and appearance. Ideal for me to pay tribute to. Some are living still, many have passed over. There are some I would like to have lived in the same era as they did. Simone Simon surely is one of them. She never married, nor have any children. Somehow I imagine having her by my side as artist, eternalizing her on canvas in the flesh. Now, I have to make do with only a pencil and a good ol’ reference picture.
After Sans Titre – 10-06-16 with Ingrid Bergman in it I was inspired to do more swirls. Hence, the curfy hair patterns. They are the same as Ingrid’s but more exaggerated. However, her face I didn’t give much roundish styling, only slightly. On the other hand I saw opportunity to distort her dress below her chin and turn it into waves. In such a way those support the curly hair turning them both into a stormy seascape. Could it be that I like to think of her as a woman who could be adrift? She seems like a passionate lady during her lifetime. Staying single amongst cocky movie directors and other vultures seems like a difficult task bestowed upon her. Perhaps she just didn’t find the love of her life and gave that all up for her art. Something similar to me. One day I’ll go ask her.
Graphite pencil drawing (Pentel 0.5 mm, 3B) on Canson Bristol paper (21 x 29.7 x 0.1 cm) – A4 format)
Artist: Corné Akkers
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