cubistic bette davis graphite pencil drawing

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Sans titre – 27-02-16 (sold)

Bette Davis

Part of the sans titre series, depicting Bette Davis, American actress and celebrity. Everyone knows Bettie Davis Eyes by Kim Karnes. Enough said? Not yet. I thought Bettie’s eyes to be cubist rather than round. In this respect I therefor would like to put the reader of this art statement a question. Would you not agree with my idea that a thing defined by a certain quality would best be depicted by putting the stress on the opposite quality? In the art world today I miss this principle. Instead I often see that, for example, something aesthetical is rendered aesthetically. In my eyes this easily can lead to kitsch. Hence, practise what you preach and show the world what I am up to.

Parallel Diagonals

In 2015 and 2016 I was all about finding parallel linear structures in the forms I depicted and in fact I still am. Eventually I came to realize such parallels create rhythym which offers a viewer the rest and a starting point to enjoy and interpret the art work. In this particular case I was lucky to find two distinct parallel linear structures. Combined they create some kind of Andreas cross pattern. Another example of this kind of rendering is my graphite pencil drawing Sans Titre – 06-08-15, depicting Audrey Tautou.

Click here read about the sale of this art work to an italian collector.

Click here to read about the sale of a women’s t-shirt through

Click here to read about the sale of a printable of this arwork to an American collector.

Graphite pencil drawing (Pentel 0.5 mm, 3B) on Canson Bristol paper (21 x 29.7 x 0.1 cm) – A4 format)

Artist: Corné Akkers
