thumbnail portrait of Corne Akkers

21st January 2021 – Sale of 14 prints through Mixtiles

In Autumn of last year I joined Mixtiles. Since then I sold 14 prints of my art works. Great achievement for a starting print-on-demand company and thanks.

cubistic nude oil painting
The Madonna of The Hague (2014) - 3 prints
Cubistic nude graphite pencil drawing
Roundism - 10-03-20 - 2 prints
cubist nude oil painting
Cubistic nude 02 (2013) - 3 prints
Roundism - 20-02-18 - 3 prints
surrealistic nude oil painting
Frida Kahlo (2020) - 1 print
cubistic nude oil painting
Roundism - 02-12-14 - 1 print
cubistic nude pastel drawing
Romy Schneider (2014) - 1 print

You can visit Mixtiles by clicking on the logo to the right