cubistic nude oil painting
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Cubistic sitting nude (2014)

Cubistic nude

A cubistic nude painting that more or less is the result of all my previous sketchwork, like my drawing ‘The Birth of New Cubism – 01-05-14’. Rendering cubism in oil offers new ways of depicting the body. This one still is ‘cubism light’ and also can be considered as expressionistic as well, I think.

Big Fat Oil Touches

In deviation of another oil painting ‘Roundism – 02-12-14’ I made at the same time I also wanted to experiment with bigger, fatter touches of oil paint often seen in the works of George Breitner and Isaac Israëls. Why could I not combine such touches with cubistic plains I recently had made my own? The complex thing I learnt is something that reminds me to what Lao Tzu said: “All higher truths are paradoxes”. Laying fat strokes is not to be done frantically but with utter care. Pressing to hard and the touch becomes smoothened out. So fine art (smooth classic paintings) is rendered with much more pressure and touches that show are rough edge are not place in a rough way. What foul is fair and fair is foul.

On a Whim

The truth is that I had wood panel ready and during an Autumn evening I wanted to go crazy and on a whim I put up this nude, using different colors than I used before. I wanted to have a maximum effect of complementary contrasting colors so I used red and greens next to pinks and yellows (not very complementary but the pink placed ajacent to yellow looks complementarish). It only took one session (approximately 2.5 hours) and some rounding up the day after. I consider this painting one of my better works and proves what I can do if I can set myself free and paint like a happy child.

Click here to see the framing job by my dad and framer Henk Akkers.

Click here to see a publication including this art work in magazine Articulaction Art Review, issue September 2014.

Click here to read more about the exhibition of this painting at Gallery Ludens.

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Click here to read about the  sale of three prints through

Click here to read about the sale of a print (poster) through

oil on wood panel (73 x 80 x 0.1cm)

Artist: Corné Akkers