Gouda – 30-06-17

cubistic church graphite pencil drawing

A view on the Sint Janskerk from Museum Gouda at Gouda, Zuid-Holand, Netherlands.

Leiden – 27-12-16 (sold)

impressionistic cityscape graphite pencil drawing

An impressionistic view on Leiden, where I studied. I am often fascinated my reflections in water and there are so many canals to be found over there. The movement of the water is what I put as a central theme in this drawing.

Rotterdam – Coolhaven – 02-03-16 (sold)

Impressionistic landscape graphite pencil drawing

A rather impressionistic view on Coolhaven (part of the harbour of Rotterdam). I made this drawing inspired by a trip to Rotterdam when I passed by the Coolhaven and I lost a contact that day so I saw it quite blurry.

The Hague (Halstraat) – 12-03-15

impressionist urban graphite pencil drawing

An impressionistic view on the Halstraat, a small street in the centre of The Hague, Netherlands. I was fascinated by the blocked in light column showing lots of depth in front and back to the church in the background.