Meyendel – 22-03-16

This graphite pencil drawing ‘Meyendel – 22-03-16’ is a cubist approach to a tree typical of the place. I took a deformed tree as artistic motif.
Darja Collin – 27-08-24

This graphite pencil drawing ‘Darja Collin – 27-08-24’ depicts her dancing in a silk dress. She was a great dancer and I tried to capture her qualities in circular motions.
Neo Deco – 15-08-24

This graphite pencil drawing ‘Neo deco – 15-08-24’ is an impressionist but also cubist experiment. Laure Albin Guillot was my inspirational source.
Neo Deco – 08-08-24

This pastel drawing ‘Neo Deco – 08-08-24’ is an elaboration of my graphite pencil drawing ‘Art Deco Nude – 15-08-22’. Finally in color!
Flow of Life – 18-07-24

This pastel drawing ‘Flow of Life – 18-07-24’ is a piece born from pure intuition. Inspired by a beautiful 1930s picture taken by Walter Bird.
Model Session – 23-01-24

This pastel drawing ‘Model Session – 23-01-24’ is the first I drew live since a long time.
Art Deco Nude – 16-09-22

Graphite pencil drawing ‘Art Deco Nude – 16-09-22’ follows after two impressionist interludes.
Risque – 24-03-22

The first pastel drawing in the Risque series and was long overdue. At the beginning of February I started this one just to fill the time waiting for my students.
Solarized Roundism – 07-03-22

A new oil painting based on my graphite pencil drawing ‘Solarized Geometry -26-11 21’. After the previous one ‘Rusalka, Free Floating in Russian Waters – 28-02-22’ I was in for something new. In fact, I always am and that mindset prevents me from repeating the same old same.
Rusalka, Free Floating in Ukrainian Waters – 28-02-22

This oil painting I would like to call ‘Rusalka’ in honor of the latest developments in Ukraine. It is an elaboration of my pastel drawing ‘Free Floating Blue Wave Nude – 10-02-21’.