2nd May 2020

head of Frida Kahlo

Today I have been busy all day working on my Frida Kahlo project. Fine tuning facial features among others.

28th April 2020

Corne Akkers painting Frida Kahlo at Brugman Art

In these Corona times I returned to my studio at Brugman Art where I started to teach to students (one at a time) again and working on my Frida Kahlo project

13th April 2020

painting in progress of Frida Kahlo by Corne Akkers

On track with my Frida Kahlo project, based on my drawing ‘Sans titre – 11-10-18’. Getting the resemblance right. Covid-19 has entered the scene as well. Lots of work to do.

22nd March 2020

Corne Akkers with his oil painting Frida Kahlo

Started a new project last week: Frida Kahlo, based on my drawing ‘Sans titre – 11-10-18’. I was quite happy with it and I immediately sold it too.