Flames (2007)

Surrealistic still life oil painting

A surreastic oil painting with an ashtray and flowers as cigars. I liked painting the texture of fire so I had to come up with a dark negative space to sett off the light sufficiently.

Grassy Knoll 1 (2007)

surrealist landscape oil painting

The original oil painting on which I based a much larger version. I was fantasizing what would have happened in the days before the assassination of president John F. Kennedy at the very spot (Dealy Plaza).

Lust (2007) (sold)

Surrealistic interior oil painting

Not a real surrealistic painting but almost ‘alternative realism’. A woman reading the newspapers. One used condom on the floor, half a bottle of wine with two empty glasses. One cup of coffee on bed.

Hot tin roof (2005)

Impressionistic interior oil painting

A study after sunlight hitting a still life with extreme backlight, with hints of impressionism.