Wouter – 08-11-17 (sold)

Impressionistic portrait pastel drawing

A commissioned piece done in an impressionistic style with lots of clairobscur. I had to come up with a solution for depicting his pale skin hues and still rendering them too unsaturated.

Nude – 01-10-17

cubistic nude colored pencil drawing

A rather loose cubistic sketch done with colour pencils. For the 4th time in a row I used the same (indian) model. Her skin allows me to use a lot of yellow which I counterbalanced with edgy purple planes.

Model – 18-09-17

impressionistic nude pastel drawing

A 5 min. sketch I made yesterday at a session at Rotterdam. Fun to do short positions again.

Vlaardingen – 10-06-17

cubistic harbour graphite pencil drawing

The principles of singularity as defined visually by me, put on paper with regard to a view on the harbour of Vlaardingen, a town near Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Roundism – 29-05-17 (sold)

cubistic nude pastel drawing

A pastel version of the graphite pencil drawing ‘Roundism – 26-05-17’. I used the primary colours red, yellow and blue to honor ‘De Stijl’, a dutch art movement that celebrates its 100 birthday this year.