A more cubistic pastel drawing of Meyendel, following the previous one Meyendel 26-02-20. I like this ones better because I dared to put the cubes through the branches so the drawing becomes fragmented. I kept the pinks and purples though. Hence brought forth the same appearance I wanted to keep, in order to be able to compare them.
From his paintings of ‘Mont Sainte-Victoire’ by Cézanne I learned to become confident in seeing more than and looking beyond what objects mean. Instead the focus lies more on how objects appear in one’s eye. I personally find these series very attractive and in many of them one almost seems to recognize individual fields, houses, trees or railways, only to be belied by the more amorphous nature of the general depiction.
From Leo Gestel’s olive trees at Mallorca I learned to abstract trees into geometrical forms. After this pastel I renderd many treescapes cubistically in my roundism style, such as in my graphite pencil drawing ‘The Carolingian Chapel – 30-06-18’.
Pastel drawing on Canson Mi-Teintes Touch paper (47 x 62 x 0.1 cm)
Artist: Corné Akkers
Sales info: info@corneakkers.com