Roundism – 10-09-19

Cubistic nude graphite pencil drawing

I saw this great vintage picture of a nude on the roof top of an open van and I liked the styled planes it already showed: the squares in the open door, some round ones in the model and some great diagonals. The woman has great nipples and I guess I will not post this one on some of the social media.

Roundism – 03-09-19

Cubistic nude graphite pencil drawing

I found a great vintage photo online that inspired me to put this female body on paper using triangles and round shapes, strengthening the pyramid like pose.

Julia – 02-08-19

Surrealistic nude graphite pencil drawing of Julia

Last year I used dancer Julia Gómez Avilés as a model. Next to being a wonderful person for an artist she is ideal because of her flexibility.

The nude portal – 03-07-19

Cubistic nude graphite pencil drawing

As you may have noticed by now I am keen on vortices. They show an endless sequence of swirls, almost like a singularity. Some say they lead the way to eternity, others consider it to be just a mathematical principle.

The widow of Aleppo (2019)

cubist nude oil painting

Drawng often is called the primary process and I like it so much, brimming over with an ocean of ideas, that I forget about transfering those ideas to the secondary stage: the canvas. There always is something to dust off and in 2017 I used ‘Nude – 03-09-15’ to work out a bigger theme, called ‘The Widow of Aleppo – 18-05-17’, after Rembrandt’s painting Jeremiah lamenting Jerusalem’s destruction. Since the war in Syria sort of came to an end but the people still suffer, I found it appropiate to do this anew but then in oil.

Between the sheets – 21-06-19 (sold)

Cubistic nude graphite pencil drawing

I was listening to ‘Between the sheets’ by The Isley Brothers when I completed this one so I tried to capture the sensual feel of the song in my drawing.

Roundism – 10-06-19

Cubistic nude graphite pencil drawing in the roundism style

After a bunch of landscapes and cityscapes I felt it was time to return to my roundism ladies. For me changing the theme once in a while is very useful.

Olympia – 22-03-19

cubistic nude pastel drawing

Before last Tuesday’s model session I thought of a great pose I instructed to my model.