Park Arentsburgh – 20-04-23
This graphite pencil drawing ‘Park Arentsburgh – 20-04-23’ stretches all the way back to the outer rim of Voorburg.
This graphite pencil drawing ‘Park Arentsburgh – 20-04-23’ stretches all the way back to the outer rim of Voorburg.
This graphite pencil drawing ‘Notenboompark – 06-04-23’ follows my sketch of lambs in Clingendael of last week. Suddenly I wanted to do one of Voorburg again.
Last week on my way home from a student I came across Buitenplaats Leeuwenbergh. It was late in the afternoon and surprizingly a drizzly grey day turned into a blue sky with a beautiful sunset. It so happened I saw this incredible and bizarre curved tree trunk.
The shortest way to my studio where I teach is via the Prins Bernhardlaan in Voorburg, Netherlands but once in a while I take a slight detour through the Notenboompark.
Another drawing of a chiaroscuro forest lane at Park Sonnenburgh in Voorburg, Netherlands, conveniently lingering about around the corner of where I work.
After teaching today I went to Park Sonnenburgh in Voorburg, Netherlands around the corner.
On my way to my students in Voorburg I come across Park ‘t Loo that had a reshape last year.
In Voorburg I went through a park at the Spinozalaan when I came across some geese with their young. One of the parents always is on the lookout and this one was sizing me up.
In the dead of summer means I am in the midst of the outdoor sketching season. Although I did not complete this one on the spot the invention of the basic composition and planal distribution were done at Katendrecht, Rotterdam.
There is this specific spot in Voorburg at the beginning of the Herenstraat where it is particulary beautiful.
In springtime Voorburg is a wonderful place to be. The Old Church is catching light and the big ol’ tree in front of it is shattering the light on top of the church roof.
Today I went to Amsterdam to see Rembrandt’s etchings and on my way how I stopped in good ol’ Leidschendam at the Sluisjes where I quickly sketched this view with ‘De Peperbus’ (an old church) in the background.
I am in a spring kind of mood and since my last drawing I see more blossoms although real fine weather is only due for next week.
When I go to teach at Studio Brugman, atVoorburg I often come across The Dome (De Koepel), situated in the middle of estate ‘Vreugd en Rust’.
Once I was at the roof top of a friend of mine who held an exhibition in her home at Leischendam, looking over ‘De Sluisjes’ (the locks) in the centre.
When I went out for a drink with an old friend at Voorburg I was a little early and standing in front of the bar looking at the Old Church (Oude Kerk or St. Martin’s Church) at Ve oorburg and was struck by the lighting from below almost setting the church ‘on fire.
These times call for a poet that says it all.
This oil painting ‘Cubist Spring in Voorburg – 05-05-16’ I started at Studio Brugman, Voorburg, Netherlands. It was King’s Day (Koningsdag).
A deviation from the first Tree at Voorburg. This one has roundish shapes rather than straight.
A rather realistic drawing of a small pond at Voorburg, Netherlands in which I maintained a hatched stroke.
I was inspired by Mondriaan’s orange mill when I did this piece. I executed it in quite expressionistic colours.
An impressionistic clairobscur drawing that I like to make when in spring the sun is out there again and the greens are sprouting.
A sketch of a small street in downtown Voorburg where I teach art.
A quick sketch on my way usually before teaching art class in the morning.
An impressionistic view on the backlighted old town ‘Swaensteyn’ at Voorburg, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands, where I teach.
A view on some of the trees at estate ‘Vrede & Rust’ at Voorburg, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands.
A quick sketch of a remarkable tree at Voorburg, Netherlands on my way to art class.
A striking building at the estate ‘Vreugd en Rust’ at Voorburg, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands where I wander about often, taking photos and sketching. This one I did in the burning sun for 20 minutes max.