Oil Paintings
Grassy knoll 2 (2007) (sold)
A commissionary piece for someone you wanted a bigger version of the one I already painted.
Old and young pomegranate (2007) (sold)
One of the many oil paintings but few still lifes I made throughout the years.
Lust (2007) (sold)
Not a real surrealistic painting but almost ‘alternative realism’. A woman reading the newspapers. One used condom on the floor, half a bottle of wine with two empty glasses. One cup of coffee on bed.
Strelizia (2007)
In my ever struggle with still lifes I wanted to do a styled flower like a Strelizia and put it in a granate shell my grandfather retrieved from a German Flak position at Nijmegen during W.W. II and light it with a maclite mini torch from within the shell.
Secret of the 50s (2007)
A surrealistic piece on Al Zarqawi and a domestic scene on the face of the moon.
Sub rosa (2007) (sold)
Twice it came back to me because of the partner of the purchaser didn’t agree with the vibrator. The third time was a charm.
Hot tin roof (2005)
A study after sunlight hitting a still life with extreme backlight, with hints of impressionism.
Etude (2005)
A quick study. I liked doing something simple and I arranged the objects in a triangular position. With only some faint color usage. I guess I was learning the trade of oil painting still, seeing this one after all these years.
Scared tomatoes (2007)
A surrealistic still life because, after all, still lifes are very boring and very still in the first place.
Foetus (2004)
I love foreshortened positions and although the model is tucked in very tightly, through application of the golden ratio and positioning the model according it, the composition worked out fine.
Erasmus (2004) (sold)
Since my birth I am a fan of big empty spaces. I painted this one in my previous apartment at the Erasmusweg, The Hague, Netherlands and used it as a stage to suggest emptiness.
Still life with fruit (1978)
An early attempt to draw realistic motifs. I can see that all depth still is lacking and I cannot remember when I saw tonal values for the first time.