Studies 11 (1985)
My sketchbook with nudes and portraits of women. Struggling to learn the trade.
My sketchbook with nudes and portraits of women. Struggling to learn the trade.
My sketchbook with nudes and portraits of women. Struggling to learn the trade.
My sketchbook with nudes and portraits of women. Struggling to learn the trade.
My sketchbook with nudes and portraits of women. Struggling to learn the trade.
My sketchbook with nudes and portraits of women. Struggling to learn the trade.
My sketchbook with nudes and portraits of women. Struggling to learn the trade.
My sketchbook with nudes and portraits of women. Struggling to learn the trade.
My sketchbook with nudes and portraits of women. Struggling to learn the trade.
My sketchbook with nudes and portraits of women. Struggling to learn the trade.
My sketchbook with nudes and portraits of women. Struggling to learn the trade.
My sketchbook with nudes and potraits of women. Struggling to learn the trade.
The first drawing I made of my second cat (after Miesje in the 70s). Being a calico cat I remember struggling to depict that in my drawing.
An early realistic drawing of the view from my room in Zwanenveld, Nijmegen. I remember struggling with the depiction of so many details and trying to capture the core of the view.
A drawing I made at the Stedelijk Gymnasium Nijmegen in art class. Triggered by roman and greek literature I was reading back then, I became fascinated by gladiator fights.
An early attempt to study the anatomy of a person. I remember this one to be a study for my drawing ‘Gladiatores (1984)’.
An early attempt to do realistic nudes. This one is Angie Lynn, a nude model in the 1970s and 1980s.
A very early drawing after my childhood. I consider this one to be the first sort of grown up drawing.
An early coloredpencil sketch of beer bottles, learning to create mass out of tonal values. In retrospective I like this one because it shows the transition from a child to an adolescent and more mature look at things.
From September 1979 till June 1981 is was attending the Willem Barentz School at Meijhorst, Nijmegen, Netherlands. I guess it was just a great public school like there were so many to be found and I have great memories of my teachers Gerard van Eck and H.W. Landman.
Beach – 24-06-79 A very early drawing in my childhood. Pencil drawing on paper Artist: Corné Akkers
I was into cartoons for years and this one is no exception. The Tour de France made a sound impression on me as a young child.
In summer 1979 I went to Slagharen and this drawing may have been an anticipation to or the result of that trip. Back then I liked to reverse letters in titles.
I was into cartoons for years and this one is no exception.
A drawing of the band ‘Normaal’ I was very fond of. After their hit ‘Oerend Hard’ (still standing strong) they came with another song and I even got the lyrics right.
I was into cartoons for years and this one is no exception. This is a copy of a previous drawing.
I was into cartoons for years and this one is no exception. In 1978 I made a copy of this one.
An early attempt to do realistic nudes. Unfortunately not after a live model but depicting Candace Collins, a great looking playmate.