Sint en Piet (1975 – 1980)
These Sint and Piet figures look quite derelict and shows my growing discontent with this couple.
These Sint and Piet figures look quite derelict and shows my growing discontent with this couple.
Not for a very long time I was fond of motor bikes and I surely never rode one.
A drawing that I made at school I think. The teacher’s sticker for approval still is on the paper.
The beatles were always in our living room and always on my mind.
A cartoonesqe drawing. I must have fascinated by this thing called ‘sex’ pre-teens like me caught a glimpse of.
A cartoonesqe drawing. I must have fascinated by this thing called ‘sex’ pre-teens like me caught a glimpse of.
In my youth I often dreamt of flying in a small airplane, balloons or just by flapping my arms frantically. I remember this drawing expresses these feelings.
A cartoonesque drawing of a monser. I think it to me and I guess for many young children, drawing scary things is something to overcome anxiety and to take control over, even trying to understand fears.
A cartoonesque drawing of a castle, inspired by cartoons by Wim Stevenhagen and Gerit de Jager that I read in De Taptoe, a school magazine.
A cartoonesque drawing of a bicycle race, inspired by cartoons by Wim Stevenhagen and Gerit de Jager that I read in De Taptoe, a youth magazine that I read at school.
A cartonesqe depicting of an indian. I really was into cartoons at the end of the 70s and I dreamt of being a cartoonist.
Hitting my teen years I became fascinated by violence and horrors, impressed by bloody world war and medieval stories. I think for children depicting horrific scenes is a way to overpower hefty emotions that follow seeing ones.
I remember drawing this one. In the hit news there was this debate about punk defeating traditional rockers like the Rolling Stones. Must have triggered my childish mind.
A very early drawing in my childhood. I see that I attempted to depict nature in a realistic way.
This one might have done in 1978 or earlier, around the release of ‘I was made for loving you’. As a child I was crazy about them, also because of the funny costumes and because I liked rock very much. A typical kid’s drawing still.
A very early drawing in my childhood. I remember I wanted to get the forms of the car just right and therefor I spent quite some time on it.
A very early drawing after my childhood. It must have been drawn in Kindergarten or the 1st class of primary school.
This just might be the first figurative drawing I ever made. I remember the instruction at Kindergarten to colorize the paper with colored pencils, put black oil pastel (wasco) on top of it and then do the sgraffito thing.